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elore pltfor filio

elore pltfor filio

elore pltfor filio

Regular price R$ 993.233,26 BRL
Regular price Sale price R$ 494.507,39 BRL
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elore pltfor filio

Discover the mesmerizing patterns and structures found in nature through the lens of fractal geometry. Dive into the hidden beauty of natural formations and understand the mathematical principles behind them.

Fractal geometry unveils a world of infinite complexity hidden within the seemingly simple structures of nature

From the branching patterns of trees to the intricate shapes of snowflakes, fractals offer a new perspective on the beauty that surrounds us

Exploring these mathematical shapes not only enriches our understanding of the natural world but also opens doors to innovation in various fields

By delving into the fascinating realm of fractal geometry, we can appreciate the astonishing order and chaos intertwined in the fabric of nature.

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